Sunday, December 14, 2008

Our Turn

This year was our first attempt at hosting Thanksgiving dinner. Our family finally got tired of us free loading off them all these years and decided to invite themselves over. Aimee and Tony's family stayed with us for the weekend and Grandma and Grandpa Rooks came over as well. Chef Tony sent a recipe for the turkey to make sure it would be worth the trip. The turkey turned out great, but we had a bit of a disaster with the fireplace. We had a nice fire going until smoke starting pouring back into the family room. It turned out that the chimney cap was never installed after they finished building the chimney, so a bird decided to build a home in the flu. It took a few days for the smoke smell to go away but at least nothing was damaged.

Rooks - McClellan turkey bowl 2008


Grandpa Rooks and Jack

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