Sunday, November 2, 2008

Tagged Part 1 (Thanks, Christina)

10 Years Ago:

1. We'd just moved to Cleveland for dental school.
2. Life was simple with only one child.
3. I was babysitting during the day to earn extra money.
4. We lived in a third floor apartment with no parking--lots of fun with a kid, groceries, etc!
5. We had a frequently drunk landlord, who liked to knock on our door in the middle of the night.

To Do List:

1. Touch up the paint in our house.
2. Organize all of the kids' artwork, report cards, etc. (this very well may never happen--it's been on the list for the past 11 years).
3. Plan Ben's bday party.
4. Plan Thanksgiving, which means I have to either learn to cook really well right away, or just pay someone else to do it.
5. Laundry (always!)

Snacks I Enjoy:

1. Cookies.
2. Tootsie Rolls.
3. Fresh bread and butter.
4. Fresh raspberries.
5. Pastries.

Places I've Lived:

1. Provo, Utah
2. Ontario, Oregon
3. Cleveland, Ohio
4. Logan, Utah
5. Fruitland, Idaho

Places I've Worked:

1. BYU custodial--the 3am shift!
2. BYU dorm cafeteria.
3. Potato Growers--I actually worked in potato fields.
4. Water Conservation--once again, I worked in the fields.
5. Centennial Apartments

Pet Peeves:

1. Bad grammar.
2. Anything overly sentimental.
3. People I don't know well who knock on the back door--that's what the front door's for!
4. People who take up two parking spots.
5. Chewing with mouth open.

Things I Enjoy:

1. My new house.
2. Being alone.
3. Reading.
4. Playing the piano.
5. Concerts.

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